Saturday, September 26, 2009

A rainy day....but a good one

Good evening all. What a busy but nice Saturday it was for me. Got quite a bit done and spent time with my boys of course. They really do light up my life. All the little things they say and do. I just love being a mom!

I think it was an even better Saturday for me because I've finally figured out one of my triggers that seems to cause me aggravation and stress and I'm working on not allowing it to. I already feel so releaved! Isn't it nice to eliminate unnecessary stress in your life?

So with rain and all I still found yet another thing to improve on and the sunshine made its way in after all! Hope you all have a great Sunday and feel a refreshing in your life as well! I have a wonderful life. Count your blessings and you will find you have one too! =)

Monday, September 21, 2009

A merry heart or dry bones....?

Well I took a day off from the blog yesterday to pause and reflect. Both sermons hit me right between the eyes but Sunday nights was the one I needed.

My preacher spoke on Proverbs 17:22 "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine...". How our attitudes and outlook on life literally affects our health. I thought about it over and over and over. He was right. Its true that having a positive and cheerful spirit improves your health. Exactly what I need for this week. Wednesday is my appointment. I can't change what will or won't happen but I can have peace in my heart and a smile on my face. Everyday I'm on this earth is a gift and every moment I waste worrying about things I can't change I'm short changing myself.

My quote for today goes right along with Proverbs 17:22..

"The difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how you use them." -unknown

I can either take what life throws my way and learn from it and become a stronger better person or give up and become a weak and bitter person. I'd rather go on and grow on. I don't want to leave this earth without not being a blessing to someone, a friend to all, and to show that kindness still exists.

I am now refocused and ready for this week. Hope you all have a great one! =)

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Last weekend of Summer

Good Morning everyone! Hope you all had a nice Friday evening. I enjoyed a cookout with steaks and all the fixings and went "worm hunting" with my boys. It was so nice to be feeling better and get out and about =)

These past two weeks have had me down but its allowed me a lot of quiet time. Much needed rest and quiet time I might add. Sometimes we get so busy with life that we forget to slow down and enjoy the little things.

I came across this quote last night and I've really been thinking how true it is.

"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony." -Ghandi

What a simple truth. Yet for me I can't always get the three lined up together. I'm a mind wanderer. Always thinking and sometimes its not about where I am or what I'm saying. My preacher said Sunday "Be where you are.". That stuck with me. A lot of times I am physically somewhere but my mind is a million miles away.

So my thoughts today are focusing on lining those three things up. Forgetting about what's happening in the future and what has happened in the past and trying to focus on each day and each moment and living it to the fullest and the happiest! =)