Monday, September 21, 2009

A merry heart or dry bones....?

Well I took a day off from the blog yesterday to pause and reflect. Both sermons hit me right between the eyes but Sunday nights was the one I needed.

My preacher spoke on Proverbs 17:22 "A merry heart doeth good like a medicine...". How our attitudes and outlook on life literally affects our health. I thought about it over and over and over. He was right. Its true that having a positive and cheerful spirit improves your health. Exactly what I need for this week. Wednesday is my appointment. I can't change what will or won't happen but I can have peace in my heart and a smile on my face. Everyday I'm on this earth is a gift and every moment I waste worrying about things I can't change I'm short changing myself.

My quote for today goes right along with Proverbs 17:22..

"The difference between stumbling blocks and stepping stones is how you use them." -unknown

I can either take what life throws my way and learn from it and become a stronger better person or give up and become a weak and bitter person. I'd rather go on and grow on. I don't want to leave this earth without not being a blessing to someone, a friend to all, and to show that kindness still exists.

I am now refocused and ready for this week. Hope you all have a great one! =)

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